This television drama series is centered around the prestigious culinary school of renowned chef Auguste Armand. The show follows the lives of students and staff as they navigate the challenges and pressures of the culinary world—delving into their personal and professional lives, revealing secrets, rivalries, and complex relationships.
StatusReturning Series
Original LanguageFrench
Specials of Ici tout commence premiered on January 7, 2023
Season 1 of Ici tout commence premiered on November 2, 2020
Season 2 of Ici tout commence premiered on January 1, 1970
Season 3 of Ici tout commence premiered on January 1, 1970
Season 4 of Ici tout commence premiered on January 1, 1970
Aurélie Pons
Salomé Dekens
Julie Sassoust
Anaïs Grimbert
Rébecca Benhamour
Célia Gaissac
Nicolas Anselmo
Eliott Prevost
Catherine Davydzenka
Hortense Rochemont
Alizée Bochet
Ludivine Rivière
Sidney Cadot-Sambosi
Louane Rivière
Marvin Pellegrino
Mehdi Mabsoute
Pola Petrenko
Charlène Teyssier
Sarah Fitri
Marta Guéraud
Géraldine Rivière
Amandine Delprat
Francis Huster
Auguste Armand
Vanessa Demouy
Rose Latour
Elsa Lunghini
Clotilde Armand
Bruno Putzulu
Guillaume Devaut
Pierre Hurel
Jérémy Devaut
Clément Remiens
Maxime Delcourt-Bertrand
Frédéric Diefenthal
Antoine Myriel
Agustín Galiana
Lisandro Inesta
Lucia Passaniti
Noémie Matret
Catherine Marchal
Claire Guinot
Terence Telle
Gaëtan Rivière
Benjamin Baroche
Emmanuel Teyssier
Azize Diabate Abdoulaye
Enzo Lopez
Pierre Azéma
Daniel Rochemont
Florence Coste
Laetitia Rigaut
Axelle Dodier
Sabine Perraud
Constance Teyssier
Anaïs Parello
Stella Matret
Mikael Mittelstadt
Greg Delobel
Zoï Sévérin
Jasmine Kasmi
Claire Morin
Gabrielle Massa
Janis Abrikh
Claire Romain
Ambre Martin
Kathy Packianathan
Deva Syed