Aladdin is an animated television series made by Walt Disney Television which aired from 1994 to 1995, based on the original 1992 feature. It was animated at the Slightly Offbeat Productions Studios in Penrose, Auckland, New Zealand. Coming on the heels of the direct-to-video sequel The Return of Jafar, the series picked up where that installment left off, with Aladdin now living in the palace, engaged to beautiful and spunky Princess Jasmine. "Al" and Jasmine went together into peril among sorcerers, monsters, thieves, and more. Monkey sidekick Abu, the animated Magic Carpet, and the fast-talking, shape-shifting Genie came along to help, as did sassy, complaining parrot Iago, formerly Jafar’s pet but now an antihero. Jafar, having previously been destroyed in the second movie, returns in only one episode which also serves as a crossover with Hercules: The Animated Series.
Original LanguageEnglish
Specials of Aladdin premiered on January 1, 1970
Season 1 of Aladdin premiered on February 6, 1994
Season 2 of Aladdin premiered on September 5, 1994
Season 3 of Aladdin premiered on September 16, 1995
Scott Weinger
Aladdin (voice)
Linda Larkin
Jasmine (voice)
Dan Castellaneta
Genie (voice)
Gilbert Gottfried
Iago (voice)
Frank Welker
Abu (voice)
Val Bettin
Sultan (voice)