A gritty, action-packed crime drama set during the brutal Tong Wars of San Francisco’s Chinatown in the second half of the 19th century. The series follows Ah Sahm, a martial arts prodigy who immigrates from China to San Francisco under mysterious circumstances, and becomes a hatchet man for one of Chinatown’s most powerful tongs.
Original LanguageEnglish
Specials of Warrior premiered on February 12, 2019
Season 1 of Warrior premiered on April 5, 2019
Season 2 of Warrior premiered on October 2, 2020
Season two follows rival Chinatown tongs, the Hop Wei and the Long Zii, as they fight for dominance amidst the growing anti-Chinese racism that threatens to destroy them all.
Season 3 of Warrior premiered on June 29, 2023
In the wake of the race riots that upended Chinatown in season two, Mai Ling uses her government connections to consolidate power, while Ah Sahm and the Hop Wei must find new ways to survive.
Andrew Koji
Ah Sahm
Olivia Cheng
Ah Toy
Jason Tobin
Young Jun
Dianne Doan
Mai Ling
Kieran Bew
Officer “Big Bill” O’Hara
Dean S. Jagger
Dan Leary
Tom Weston-Jones
Richard Lee
Hoon Lee
Wang Chao
Langley Kirkwood
Walter Buckley
Miranda Raison
Nellie Davenport
Chen Tang
Chelsea Muirhead
Yan Mi
Adam Rayner
Douglas Strickland III
Mark Dacascos
Kong Pak
Joe Taslim
Li Yong